Flakes named SGTC Student of Excellence for October

Melisa Flakes of Americus, an Early Childhood Care and Education student at South Georgia Technical College, was named the SGTC Student of Excellence during the college’s recent student recognition ceremony held in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center on SGTC’s Americus campus.
Flakes was nominated for the award by SGTC Early Childhood Care and Education instructor Jaye Cripe, who stood up to tell the full room of nominees’ friends, classmates and family members how well her nominee fits the definition of excellence.
“Melisa [Flakes] is so dedicated and pays attention to every detail and is always very well prepared for all of her tests,” Cripe said. “She decided to pursue a career in early childhood and she certainly displays the attitude that is necessary for that. She shows a genuine concern for other people, and she remains positively focused.”
After receiving her GED from SGTC, Flakes decided to enter the workforce. After three years of working, Flakes decided to pursue an education in early childhood care after realizing that she had a heart for working with children – a job that she has already been practicing at home with five children of her own.
“When I started this program, I had a lot of doubts and fears – and I still do,” Flakes told the audience. “But through a lot of hard work and determination, I will be graduating in May of next year.”
Flakes thanked SGTC for the opportunity, her family, and her instructors for pushing her to achieve excellence. She was awarded with a plaque of recognition and a financial award from SGTC for his accomplishments. Additionally, her name will be displayed on SGTC’s digital marquee as well as inscribed on a plaque in Hicks Hall among previous Student of Excellence winners. As a bonus and for bragging rights, a Student of Excellence banner will hang in her program area until the next student is named.
Each month, students from certain divisions selected for that month are nominated for the Student of Excellence award by their instructors. This month’s ceremony recognized students in health and personal services programs at SGTC. The winner is selected based on a number of criteria, including grades, work ethics, participation in clubs and organizations, and amount of program completion. Each nominee is presented with a certificate and a South Georgia Technical College Student of Excellence T-shirt.
Other nominees included: Lashanda Bobbs of Americus, Barbering; Francis Gill of Parrott, Cosmetology; Anaiah Kirkland of Americus, Criminal Justice Technology; Tiara Reese of Americus, Culinary Arts; Shannon Cranford of Americus, Medical Assisting; and Sheri Ariail of Americus, Practical Nursing.
Additional nominating instructors included Xavier Jackson, Dorothea Lusane-Mckenzie, Teresa McCook, Ricky Watzlowick, Jaye Cripe, Lynn Lightner and Christine Rundle.
Student of Excellence nominees and nominating instructors pose for a picture with their certificates. Seated left to right: SGTC Student of Excellence nominees Lashanda Bobbs, Francis Gill, Anaiah Kirkland, Tiara Reese, Melisa Flakes, Shannon Cranford and Sheri Ariail. Standing left to right: Nominating Instructors Xavier Jackson, Dorothea Lusane-Mckenzie, Teresa McCook, Ricky Watzlowick, Jaye Cripe, Lynn Lightner and Christine Rundle.