SGTC Crisp County Center Holds Pinning Ceremony for Nursing Grads

Eleven South Georgia Technical College Practical Nursing graduates at the SGTC Crisp County Center campus participated in a special pinning ceremony held recently in the auditorium of the Crisp County Center campus.
Receiving their nursing pins were Jordan Alexander Cochran of Perry, Quandra Lekita Dawson of Cordele, Holly Ann Dominey of Cordele, Akybia MeChelle Freeman of Montezuma, D’Eria Kenesha Ashana Morgan of Cordele, Lola Mae Peacock of Cordele, Ja’Carla Moncoria Polite of Albany, Kendra Areanna Singleton of Warner Robins, Chrishanda Burshae Vail of Warner Robins, Nikitta Dannell Walters of Americus, and Brittany Monique White of Americus.
SGTC Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs Michelle McGowan welcomed a large crowd of family and friends on hand to support the graduates. Tim Morgan, who recently retired as the facilities manager for the Crisp County Center, followed with the invocation.
Practical Nursing instructor Brandy Nipper introduced a video highlighting the graduates before presenting the pins to the graduates along with McGowan, instructor Brandie Chappell, and special guests in the nursing field invited by the students.
After the pinning, the graduates participated in the traditional lighting of the lamps ritual and recited the nursing pledge.
The Practical Nursing program at South Georgia Technical College is one of over 200 programs SGTC offers leading to a degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit. Learn more about all of the programs and apply for enrollment at