SGTC Students Celebrate SkillsUSA Week

Members and advisors of South Georgia Technical College’s SkillsUSA student organization recently celebrated SkillsUSA Week – a week dedicated to showcasing and promoting the organization’s programs and activities at the local level.
SkillsUSA is a national membership student organization that helps middle school, high school and college students who are preparing for a career in a trade, technical or skilled service occupation. The organization serves more than 335,000 students and instructors annually through hosting workforce-based competitions for the students to compete in.
During the week, in addition to bringing awareness to the group in other ways, Cynthia Carter, Director of Career Services and Student Organizations at SGTC, made a brief presentation about SkillsUSA that explained it to interested students. In it, she explained that technical skills are grounded in academics.
“Our students demonstrate respect and courtesy, stay focused and are customer-oriented while at work,” she said. “With the help of industry and education professionals, we help our members become world-class leaders and responsible American citizens.”
South Georgia Tech’s SkillsUSA organization members are preparing for leadership in the workplace through focusing on professional development, community service, employment and social activities. This year’s membership totaled 22 for the college. Of those, 17 students will compete in 12 State Championships from March 22-24 in Atlanta. All first place competitors at the state level will travel to Louisville, Kentucky to compete at the National level in June.
SkillsUSA advisors Dr. Michele Seay and Chad Brown have taken an active role in helping students practice several of the essential elements of the SkillsUSA Framework that the will need during their competitions.
This year’s members include Ethan Lyle of Fayetteville, Ga., Aviation Maintenance; Timothy Payne of Americus, Barbering; Josiah Copland of Montezuma, Aviation Maintenance; Katelyn Burgess of Americus, Cosmetology; Bailey Mills of Cordele, Aviation Maintenance; Jennifer West of Americus, Drafting Technology; Calvin Conley of Leesburg, Precision Machine and Manufacturing; Tonya Rodgers of Oglethorpe, Medical Assisting; Michael Dewberry of Smithville, Motorsports Technology; and Jacob Grant of Andersonville, Precision Machine and Manufacturing.
The 2017-2018 national theme of SkillsUSA is, “Job Ready – Day One,” a theme that encompasses the mission of SkillsUSA.
One of the most respected workwear brands, Carhartt, Inc. is the official sponsor of SkillsUSA Week and supports efforts to showcase SkillsUSA and career and technical education.
To learn more about SkillsUSA membership, contact Cynthia Carter as