South Georgia Technical College to host Law Enforcement Graduation

The South Georgia Technical College Law Enforcement Academy will be hosting the graduation ceremony for class 19—01 on Friday, May 17th at 11 a.m. in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center on the Americus campus.
This is the 10th anniversary of the Law Enforcement Academy at South Georgia Technical College and all former graduates, law enforcement officers and agencies associated with the program are invited to attend.
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford, Dean of Academic Affairs Vanessa Wall and SGTC LEA Academy Director Brett Murray will be officiating at the event. Twelve individuals will be graduating from class 19 – 01 during the 10th anniversary celebration.
All law enforcement officers and graduates will be asked to stay after the ceremony to pose for a 10th anniversary celebration photo. To RSVP or for more information call 229-931-2716.