South Georgia Tech’s 2018 Outstanding Instructor of Year honored

South Georgia Technical College President Emeritus Sparky Reeves and his wife, Allene, presented South Georgia Tech’s 2018 Rick Perkins Instructor of the Year winner, Teresa McCook, with a stipend from the South Georgia Technical College Foundation’s Sparky and Allen Reeves endowed fund at the college’s 2018 Rick Perkins Instructor of the Year breakfast recently.
Teresa McCook, a Criminal Justice Instructor on the Americus campus, was recognized as the Instructor of the Year by SGTC President Dr. John Watford at a special ceremony in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center recently in front of the SGTC faculty and staff. Sparky and Allene Reeves made their gift after the announcement.
McCook is the third recipient of the Sparky and Allene Reeves Instructor of the Year award. Andrea Ingram, a Computer Information Systems Instructor, was the first recipient of the award in 2016 and Charles Christmas, an Aviation Maintenance Instructor, was selected in 2017.
President Emeritus Reeves and Allene endowed this special fund with the South Georgia Technical College Foundation in 2010 and have been growing the fund for the past eight years in order to be able to recognize the outstanding instructor and top student at South Georgia Technical College each year.
“It is always good to be here and see the success that South Georgia Technical College is enjoying,” said South Georgia Technical College President Emeritus Sparky Reeves when he was presenting a donation to the Instructor of the Year. “It is our pleasure to make this presentation to Teresa McCook. She embodies the qualities that we strive to recognize with this stipend each year. We are so very proud of you and what you do for the students in your classroom. South Georgia Tech has an outstanding group of instructors that are knowledgeable about their subject matter and that care about students and their success. What you do is immensely rewarding because you make a difference in your students’ lives.
“When instructors do all the right things, everything else will take care of itself – student success, enrollment, graduation, retention, and job placement. That is the main reason that Allene and I wanted to recognize the top instructor each year with a token of our appreciation for what you mean to South Georgia Technical College, your peers, the students, and the community,” said Reeves. “We thank you for allowing us to come back and make this presentation.”
Reeves joined the South Georgia Technical College faculty in 1973 as an Accounting, Math, and Business Psychology Instructor. In addition to teaching, he also served as a Supervisor, Evening Coordinator, Vice President of Economic Development and President. He retired in 2015.
Teresa McCook will represent South Georgia Technical College at regional and state competition in an effort to be selected as the top instructor within the Technical College System of Georgia.
“On behalf of South Georgia Technical College I would like to thank President Emeritus Sparky and Allene Reeves for their continued support of South Georgia Technical College, its instructors and its students,” said SGTC President Dr. John Watford. “President Reeves and Allene have been special to South Georgia Tech for many years and today they demonstrated again why they mean so much to the college, its faculty, staff, and students,” added Watford.
For more information about making a donation or establishing an endowed scholarship at South Georgia Technical College, contact Su Ann Bird, SGTC Foundation Executive Director at 229-931-2011 or Tax deductible donations may also be mailed to the SGTC Foundation, P.O. Box 6102, Americus GA 31709.