Tonya Visage Nominated by SGTC for Outstanding Adult Education Teacher Award

South Georgia Technical College adult education instructor Tonya Visage has been nominated by the college for the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Office of Adult Education Outstanding Teacher of the Year award.
“Students admire her because she is kind, patient, and cares about them,” said Lillie Ann Winn, SGTC Dean of Adult Education. “She is able to see what each student brings to the learning community and freely offers love, acceptance, and grace. Mrs. Visage cares deeply about the success of each and every one of her students and works tirelessly to ensure that they are given every opportunity available.”
Visage has served SGTC for over 23 years as a High School Equivalency instructor. “Adult education gives people a second chance many thought they would never get,” she said. “It changes lives and promotes a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce for the state of Georgia. We serve everyone, and that makes me proud to be an adult education teacher.”
TCSG established the Adult Education Outstanding Teacher of the Year award to honor teachers making significant contributions through instruction, innovation, and leadership. Instructors nominated for the honor exhibit excellence in the classroom and the community. They also share a demonstrated commitment to the adult education profession.
The 2023 EAGLE Leadership Institute will be held in Atlanta March 1-2 when four regional winners and the state winner will be announced. The overall winner will receive a $500 cash award, and their program will receive $2,500 to support the acquisition of curricula materials.