Diesel Technology Program Advisory Committee Meets at SGTC

The advisory committee for the South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) Diesel Equipment Technology program met recently in the Morgan Transportation building on the SGTC campus. Program instructor Chase Shannon discussed program needs and developments with members of the committee.
SGTC advisory committees consist of representatives from local business and industry who have a direct interest in the programs with which they are involved. Members volunteer their time to help SGTC stay abreast of changes in the workplace and their respective industries as a whole.
Members of the diesel committee present at the recent meeting were: Sean Flynn, Eaton Cummins Automated Transmissions; Ricky Crook, Cummins Sales and Service; and Adam Verner, Elite Ag, LLC. Also present were SGTC Grant Coordinator Beth Wisham and Academic Dean Dr. David Finley.
Advisory committees at South Georgia Technical College provide a vital link for SGTC instructors to learn of new developments and technology so they can work to fully prepare students for success in the workplace upon graduation.
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