Kevin Copeland Earns SGTC Student of Excellence Honor

April 13, 2023
Pictured are the SGTC Student of Excellence nominees (seated l-r) Lawrence Starling, Traylon Blocker, Kevin Copeland, Randy Robert Ampler, and Walter Williams, and their nominating instructors (standing l-r) Jason Wisham, Starlyn Sampson, Brandon Dean, Chase Channon, and Kevin Beaver.
Pictured are the SGTC Student of Excellence nominees (seated l-r) Lawrence Starling, Traylon Blocker, Kevin Copeland, Randy Robert Ampler, and Walter Williams, and their nominating instructors (standing l-r) Jason Wisham, Starlyn Sampson, Brandon Dean, Chase Channon, and Kevin Beaver.

Kevin Copeland of Plains recently earned recognition as the South Georgia Technical College overall Student of Excellence for April. Copeland studies Automotive Technology and was nominated by his instructor, Brandon Dean.

Dean introduced Copeland as his program’s nominee saying “Kevin is a good student. He comes in every day and does what he’s supposed to do.” Dean also spoke of Copeland’s excellent work ethic and attitude and praised him for excelling as a student while also working full-time.

Copeland was honored to receive the Student of Excellence award and thanked Dean for his instruction. “He makes me feel welcome every day when I come to class. I look forward to class and learning with him.”

SGTC Student of Excellence Kevin Copeland (right) with Automotive Technology instructor Brandon Dean.
SGTC Student of Excellence Kevin Copeland (right) with Automotive Technology instructor Brandon Dean.

The Student of Excellence is selected based on a number of criteria, including grades, work ethics, participation in clubs and organizations, and amount of program completion. Each month, students from certain divisions selected for that month are nominated for the Student of Excellence award by their instructors.

For April, the top students from transportation programs were recognized, including: Lawrence Starling of Mauk, Aircraft Structural Technology, nominated by Jason Wisham; Traylon Blocker of Blakely, Auto Collision Repair Technology, nominated by Starlyn Sampson; Randy Robert Ampler of Montezuma, Diesel Equipment Technology, nominated by Chase Shannon; and Walter Williams of Cobb, Motorsports Vehicle Technology, nominated by Kevin Beaver.

As the winner, Copeland was awarded with a plaque of recognition, a personal letter of recommendation from SGTC President Dr. John Watford and a $50 check for his accomplishments. Additionally, his name will be displayed on SGTC’s digital marquee as well as inscribed on a plaque in Hicks Hall among previous Student of Excellence winners. Each nominee was awarded with a nomination certificate and an exclusive student of excellence t-shirt.

Summer semester at South Georgia Technical College begins May 24. Apply now at