Powell is named SGTC Student of Excellence

Pictured on the first row from left to right are Student of Excellence nominees Russell C. Wright, Mykaula Harvey, Christian Powell, Dontavious Harrell, and Halie Fennell. On the second row from left to right are nominees Nichelle Martinez, Troy Gilliam, Christopher M. McGee, Alliyah Sutton, Felicia Young, and Clay Oxford (not pictured is nominee Kevin Davis). Standing from left to right are nominating instructors Vicki Gilbert, Mike Enfinger, Teresa Jolly, Sara Benson, Lisa Penton, Cathy Freeman, Brenda Butler-Gilliam, Randy Greene, Karen Bloodworth, and Nicole Murillo.
Christian Powell, a Computer Information Systems student from Cordele, was the fall semester recipient of the Student of Excellence award for the Crisp County Center of South Georgia Technical College. This award recognizes an outstanding students from each of the twelve program areas at the campus. Program instructors nominate one student from their programs who has exhibited high standards academically, socially, and professionally. The student who receives this honor has proved that he or she realizes what hard work is and has made a decision and sincere commitment to excellence.
Powell was presented a $50 check, an engraved personal plaque, a congratulatory letter from SGTC President Dr. John Watford, and a “Student of Excellence” t-shirt. Powell’s name was also engraved on a perpetual plaque that is displayed in the front lobby of the Crisp County Center. A Student of Excellence banner is hung in the program area until next semester’s ceremony, at which time the banner will be moved to the program area of that semester’s award recipient.
The nominees from the other eleven programs were: Russell Wright of Tifton, Accounting; Mykaula Harvey of Cordele, Business Technology; Dontavious Harrell of Cordele, Criminal Justice Technology; Felicia Young of Vienna, Culinary Arts; Nichelle Martinez or Cobb, Early Childhood Care and Education; Troy Gilliam of Leslie, Electrical System Technology; Kevin Davis of Cordele, Electronics Technology; Christopher McGee of Cordele, Marketing Management; Halie Fennell of Cordele, Medical Assisting; Aaliyah Sutton of Unadilla, Practical Nursing; and Clay Oxford of Buena Vista, Welding and Joining Technology. Each nominee received a framed certificate and a “Student of Excellence” t-shirt.
Immediately following the program, all guests were invited to attend the Student of Excellence Reception hosted by the Culinary Arts Program.