SGTC Alumni and Sophomore Day celebration a big hit

South Georgia Technical College gave away t-shirts to SGTC alumni, retirees, current faculty, friends and supporters at its annual Alumni and Sophomore Day Celebration recently in the James S. Peters gymnasium in conjunction with the Jets and Lady Jets basketball games.
All South Georgia Technical College alumni and former faculty and staff members were encouraged to come out and join in the celebration. Alumni from at least five of the last seven decades were present at the celebration which also recognized the 2023 – 2024 Jets and Lady Jets sophomores between the two basketball games.

South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford (center) is shown above with many of the SGTC alumni and retired faculty and staff members that came out for the SGTC Alumni-Sophomore Day event.
The Alumni Day Celebration kicked-off around 12 noon with the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce and Imerys sponsoring a free Hot Dog and Hamburger cookout and Tailgate event for faculty, staff, alumni, and students. The event ended after 6 p.m. with a Jet and Lady Jets alumni basketball game.
The tailgating event led into a Georgia Collegiate Athletic Association (GCAA) Division I double-header with the Jets and Lady Jets basketball teams facing off against East Georgia State College. The Jets defeated East Georgia 86 – 74 and the Lady Jets lost in overtime to the NJCAA 22nd ranked East Georgia Lady Bobcats, 86 – 78.
Both teams will now host the NJCAA Region 17 quarterfinal tournament games Tuesday, March 12 at 5:30 and 7:30 in the Hangar. The Lady Jets face Southern Crescent at 5:30 and the Jets host Central Georgia Tech at 7:30.

Americus-Sumter County Chamber of Commerce members along with the Sumter County Middle-High School FFA and Dave Tucker from Imerys are shown above with SGTC President Dr. John Watford. The group cooked and served the free hamburgers and hot dogs during the tail-gate for alumni, faculty and staff.
A total of 12 Jets and Lady Jets sophomores were spotlighted during the intermission between the two games, including the Lady Jets Vera Gunnaydin from Ankara, Turkey; Isabel de Souza Buena from San Paolo, Brazil; Greta Carollo from Vincenza, Italy; and Maeva Fotsa from Cascovel Parana, Brazil. The eight Jets recognized included: Deonte Williams of Sydney, Australia; Israel Monodu from Atlanta, GA; Mohand Ammad from Paris, France; Ryan Djoussa from Dublin, Ireland; Batosse Gado from Cotonou, Benin; and Justin Evans from Covington, GA.
Each of the Jets and Lady Jets were presented with a sophomore poster depicting their images and accomplishments while playing for the Jets and Lady Jets. They were escorted to half-court by family and friends and recognized by SGTC President Dr. John Watford, SGTC Athletic Director and Lady Jets Head Coach Jason Carpenter and SGTC Jets Head Coach Chris Ballauer.
In addition to the SGTC Jets and Lady Jets sophomores, alumni were also recognized at half-court during the intermission between the two games.
Special alumni/sophomore t-shirts were available at no cost while supplies lasted during the SGTC Alumni Day Celebration. Admission to the games and the tailgating events were free. A large crowd was in attendance. South Georgia Technical College would also like to highlight the success of its alumni. If you or someone you know are an alumni of South Georgia Technical College, please share your story by contacting Su Ann Bird at 229-931-2248 or Also if you share information on social media, please use #SGTCAlumni