SGTC educates students during National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week

The South Georgia Technical College Student Affairs Department treated students to free versions of mocktails as a great alternative to drinking alcohol at a party in support of National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week.
SGTC Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs Josh Curtin prepared versions of non-alcoholic drinks and shared information on the dangers of underage drinking as well as the truth about alcoholism. Pamphlets were available that shared facts about alcohol dependence and abuse, the incidence of alcohol related deaths by location, and alcohol use by individuals in college.
“Although some students come to college already having some experience with alcohol, certain aspects of college life – such as unstructured time, widespread availability of alcohol, inconsistent enforcement of underage drinking laws, and limited interactions with parents and other adults – can lead to a problem,” revealed Curtin. “The purpose of this activity is to educate students and help them become aware of the dangers of underage consumption and show positive alternatives to consuming alcohol.”
The event was held in the SGTC Odom Center on the Americus campus and was open to all SGTC faculty, staff, and students.