SGTC Honor Society Holds Two Benefit Drives, Other Events

South Georgia Technical College’s Cordele campus is collecting toiletries and old books as part of two benefit drives, sponsored by the college’s National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) chapter.
The first drive is being held to benefit the Sophisticated Sisters program, a Christian based community development program designed to support nine through 18-year-old girls. Brand new, originally packaged toiletries including shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, mouth wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, deodorant, feminine products, face wash and body soap. Items can be deposited in the front hallway of the Crisp County Center. The deadline for the toiletries drive is Feb. 21
The second drive is collecting gently used books. Books can’t be recycled like other paper products because of the glue that binds them, Kari Bodrey, Crisp County Center admissions coordinator and NTHS advisor said. Because of this, the NTHS wants to repurpose any old or unwanted books by delivering them to Keep Crisp Beautiful, where they will be sorted and distributed to those in the community who need them. All genres will be accepted. Donations can be made in the collection box located in the front hallway of the Crisp County Center by Feb. 21.

In addition to the two drives, the NTHS will hold three other events in February, including a spaghetti lunch on Valentine’s Day on Feb. 14, an African American History month program and an Evening Student Appreciation Dinner, both on Feb. 19.

For more information about the collection locations for the drives, events or membership in the National Technical Honor Society, contact Kari Bodrey at 229.271.4051 or