Jets and Lady Jets “Meet and Greet” hosted at Giggles in Americus

October 14, 2016
South Georgia Tech Jets and Lady Jets are shown above at Giggles.

Giggles Frozen Yogurt in Americus sponsored a “Meet and Greet” event for the South Georgia Technical College 2016 – 2017 Jets and Lady Jets basketball teams recently.

“We are thrilled to be able to host this event for the South Georgia Technical College Jets and Lady Jets basketball teams,” said Giggles owner James E. Melvin. “This is a great opportunity to give our community the opportunity to come out and support South Georgia Technical College and their athletic program.”

Members of the 2016 – 2017 Jets and Lady Jets basketball teams, coaches, Jets Booster Club members and college officials all participated in the event which featured a basketball shooting contest, live music, dancing, yogurt, and good fellowship. A portion of the proceeds from the event went to the Jets Booster Club.

“ACE,” the South Georgia Technical College mascot, was at the event and individuals could have photos made with him and the players.

ACE was there to pose for photos during the event.

ACE was there to pose for photos during the event.