SGTC Crisp County Campus announces upcoming student activities

South Georgia Technical College’s Crisp County Campus student clubs and organizations announced upcoming student activities and events during their What’s Poppin’ social event. Some of the activities that are coming up include: Spring Fling, Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Walk, a Test Anxiety and Organizational Skills Student Workshop, Student of Excellence, and the Relay for Life Fundraiser.
The Spring Fling event will take place March 14 at 11 am in the LaPorte Auditorium and is sponsored by Student Government Association (SGA). Students will be able to play flag football, participate in a cake walk, play bingo and enjoy snacks. The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Walk will take place March 20 at 10 am in the back parking lot on campus, and is sponsored by the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). A presentation about searching for a cure and a one mile walk will take place. All participants will sign a banner that will hang in the hall along with MS informational display.
A Test Anxiety and Organizational skills student workshop will take place March 21 at 11 am in the LaPorte Auditorium. This workshop will help build test-taking skills and explain why being organized is important. SGTC Admissions Coordinator Kari Bodrey and SGTC Retention and Coaching Specialist Charlene Williams will be speaking during the workshop. The Student of Excellence Program will take place March 29 in the LaPorte Auditorium. Student of Excellence recognizes students from each of the program areas on SGTC’s Crisp County Center campus.
SGTC’s Relay for Life Butterfly Seat Raffle Fundraiser is still being held. The raffle tickets can be purchased at the Crisp County Center front desk or by a NTHS, PBL, SGA or Skills USA member. Tickets are $2 for 1 ticket, $5 for 3 tickets, $10 for 7 tickets or $20 for 15 tickets. All proceeds will be donated to the Crisp County Relay for Life. A Relay for Life event will take place Friday, May 5, 2017 at 6 p.m. on the South Georgia Technical College campus. The butterfly seat was handcrafted by SGTC’s Welding department.
For more information about any of these events, contact Kari Bodrey at 229-271-4051 or