SGTC President speaks to Macon County Kiwanis Club
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford was the guest speaker at the Macon County Kiwanis Club meeting recently. He gave members and guests a brief overview of the college and talked about the expanded partnership that the college has developed with the Macon County School System for the 2016 – 2017 year. “South Georgia Technical College has a great legacy,” explained Dr. Watford who added, “but we are not about brick and mortar, we are about people. The impact that we have on the individuals who attend South Georgia Tech affects that student as well as their families and our communities. We focus on what is good for students and the employers who hire our graduates, because our mission is workforce development. We are known for making good things happen!” Dr. Watford also shared that South Georgia Tech students are excelling nationally through academics, athletics, and student activities such as clubs and organizations. “South Georgia Tech Marketing Management student Ashley Rodgers of Macon County was selected as the 2016 State GOAL (Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership) winner out of 144,000 Technical College students from across Georgia. She received a new 2016 Kia Optima as her prize and will now travel the state speaking about technical education.” He also revealed to the Macon County Kiwanis Club members that South Georgia Technical College has served over 500 high school students through its ‘Move on When Ready’ program this year. Of that 500 students, 347 earned a technical certificate of credit for a specialized skill. “These students are learning what it means to be work ready in a specific career area or are earning college credits toward an associate’s degree. And it is at no cost to the students. Move on When Ready is a great opportunity for high school students and their families,” said Dr. Watford. He took the time to recognize several of the Macon County High School Key Club students who were present at the meeting and that had participated in a special STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Academy program at South Georgia Technical College this summer and were enrolling in the Move On When Ready program this fall. “The students had a great time, but they also learned more about the job opportunities available in the STEM fields,” explained Watford. “And they realized that Move on When Ready can help them reach their educational goals so much faster and at no cost to their families.” President Watford also mentioned that SGTC is one of the only colleges in the state that provides access to textbooks at no cost to students. “Thanks to the support that we have received from grants and our foundation partners, we have been able to provide our students with books to use each semester and that has been a tremendous help to our students.” All of these different partnerships and program offerings has helped South Georgia Technical College’s enrollment. “Our enrollment for FY16 increased and it is looking like we are going to make it happen again in FY17. We have a proud past and a very promising future at South Georgia Tech,” said Watford. “We will begin a new program in Diesel Power Generation this fall with the support of our corporate partners such as Caterpillar. We have a $3.4 million diesel building renovation currently underway, so the future is bright for South Georgia Tech and the students and the communities that serve. We are making great things happen!”