South Georgia Technical College holds High School Equivalency graduation ceremony

South Georgia Technical College held its 2022 Fall High School Equivalency graduation ceremony recently in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Center on the SGTC Americus campus. Twenty-five students earned their General Educational Development (GED) Diploma and were recognized for that accomplishment.
Tonya Visage, South Georgia Technical College’s Outstanding Adult Education Teacher of the Year, was the guest speaker at the event, which featured graduates from Sumter, Crisp, Macon, Marion, and Webster counties.
SGTC President Dr. John Watford opened the ceremony and welcomed everyone to the graduation ceremony. He thanked the graduates and their families and friends for supporting each other and this celebration. “We know that these graduates didn’t do this in a vacuum,” said Dr. Watford. “They had help and support from family and friends, and we appreciate your part in helping them reach this milestone.”

Dr. Watford added, “this goal took commitment and hard work on your part. Enjoy this moment. You have earned it.” Then he challenged the graduates to always continue learning and encouraged them to continue their education with South Georgia Technical College.
“Don’t let this celebration be the end of your education. Set new goals. You have opened yourselves up to all kinds of opportunities by taking this step,” explained Dr. Watford. “I encourage you to explore your next step and hopefully one of those steps will include continuing your education and earning a diploma or degree.”
Lillie Ann Winn, South Georgia Tech Dean of Adult Education, echoed Dr. Watford’s congratulations and introduced Tonya Visage as the guest speaker for the event. Visage is SGTC 2023 Instructor of the Year for the Adult Education department. She has over 23 years of experience teaching in adult education.
“Congratulations to each of you here tonight,” said Adult Education Instructor of Year Tonya Visage. “You have earned your High School Equivalency but I want to encourage you to keep going. Don’t Stop now, keep learning. There are always going to be barriers in life but don’t let that stop you. Your high school equivalency exam has prepared you for college and for the workforce. Take advantage of this to continue and become successful. If you need help, we are always here and will do what we can to help,” added Visage.

After Visage’s talk, President Watford, SGTC Dean of Adult Education Lillie Ann Winn and SGTC Adult Education Career Services Specialist Tracy Israel recognized the graduates and presented them with their diplomas and a token of appreciation.
Adult Education instructor Robbie Edalgo from Crisp County delivered the invocation at the ceremony. Lisa Truitt provided the piano selections including the traditional processional and music for the graduates.
Listed below are the South Georgia Technical College High School Equivalency graduates from the individual counties who earned their GED and the right to participate in the ceremony:
Sumter County
Bryan Berryhill, Hailey Dunford, Marikka Hamblin, Sidney Hanks, Kesleigh King, James Landers, Kayla Moyle, Hayden Nelson, Abigail Raper, Sean Reddish, Ariel Robbins, and Brantley;
Crisp County
Richard Ergle, Alma Escobar, Tayveon Hill, Alexis Holt, Anthony Kirby, Lillian McClellan, Christopher Mitchell, Selena Morris, and Michael Parham;
Macon County
Mary Kauffman;
Marion County
Alexis Fulford and Brooke Smith;
Taylor County
Ashley Barrow and Frederick Nickolas;
Lillie Ann Winn is the South Georgia Technical College Program Administrator for Adult Education for SDA 15, Lisa Jordan is the Adult Education Administrative Assistant, Lisa Truitt is the GED Chief Examiner and Lisa Holloway, Shuri Rand, and Kenia Wills are GED Examiners. The South Georgia Tech Adult Education instructors include: Robbie Edalgo, Margie Everett, Lissa Faircloth, John Fox, James Ingram, Angie Kauffman, Mary King, Margie Martin, Daniel Payne, Deborah Story, Tonya Visage, and Mary Wooldridge. Tracy Israel is the Adult Education Career Services Specialist.
For more information about the Adult Education High School Equivalency classes, contact South Georgia Tech at 229.931.2565.